Compliance &
All members of condominium communities must comply with the Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”), and the condominium’s Declarations, Rules, and By-Laws. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.
Condominium corporations have a duty to enforce the Act and the governing documents as against their owners and residents. Generally, notices of infractions should first be sent from the condominium’s manager to the owner or resident who has infringed a rule. Where this doesn’t resolve the issue, legal intervention may be required in order to obtain compliance.
At Pulver on Condos, we have extensive experience acting for condominium corporations and Boards in ensuring that the Act or governing documents are enforced as against residents. In most instances, the condominium corporation’s documents permit it to charge back the legal fees associated with the enforcement of the rules to the infringing owner, as common expenses.
We are happy to assist with all aspects of this process, and we aim to do so in a time and cost effective manner. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can assist you.

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